Expedition report: day 221: Environmental Actions of Marina Zadar

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Expedition report: day 221, 13.07.2003: Sailing day 38: Zadar, Croatia
Biking total: 26 days, 1542 km, 5’500 altimeters.
Climbing total: 158 days, 2831 km, 96’609 altimeters.
Sailing total: 38 days, 311 nm
Zuerst moechte ich Fiona Tutti (fiona_tutty@hotmail.com) aus Irland nochmals herzlich bei TOPtoTOP begruessen. Sie hat sich gerade offiziell bei TOPtoTOP als Mitglied beworben. Wir haben sie in Les Diablerets auf Swiss TOPtoTOP kennengelernt. Seither war sie super aktiv bei Uebersetzungen fuer die neue Website.
In der Zwischenzeit hat sich die Pachamama wieder gefuellt mit den Solarkraeks Maria und Paul Balmer aus Biel, Marc Riesen und Thomas Lang aus Buelach und Bruno Stauffacher aus Winkel. Wir werden in 20 Minuten Richtung Sibenik ablegen, wo wir unterwegs eine Bucht vom Unrat befreien wollen und hoffen, dort auf Peter Storm und Bregitte Kolb zu treffen.
Die Marina in Zadar hat uns dieses Wochenende 10 Prozent Rabatt auf den Hafenplatz gegeben. Wir fragten sie, was sie fuer die Umwelt tut. Hier das Resultat in Englisch:
“Marina Zadar is situated in the center of the city of Zadar. Due to its location, which is next to the city harbour, it is an attractive sanctuary for the nautics from all over the world. On the other hand, the fact that the city infrastructure is nearby, causes more problems which are directly connected to the problem of pollution. These problems are greater than problems experienced by other marinas. For these reasons we have concentrated great attention to the regular waste disposal and to the protection of the environment. Not only that we act educationally on our employees and guests ( ecological exhibitions, pamphlets, actions…) but we also try to contribute to the protection of environment in a more concrete way ( separation of potentially dangerous waste). We also concentrated our attention to inform the guests about the flora and fauna of the area and also about the facilities inside of the marina ( solutions which proved to be of great quality, communication through visual means, security service which is in function 24 hours a day, life saving equipment on several points inside of the marina ). In order to provide a more efficient and qualitative way of organisation inside of the marina, we have been awarded with the Blue flag for beaches and marinas in the year 2000. This award is actually a prestigious ecological award issued by worl organisation Fundation of environmental education. Welcome!” – Herzlichen Dank an Marina Dunat aus Zadar fuer die Uebersetzung von Kroatisch ins Englische.

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