Barbados is great!

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Yesterday we slept 15 h; now we are fit again!
We met Judi Clarke from the “Adapting to Climate Change in the Caribbean (ACCC) Project”. She is organizing for us media, school- and project visits. She has so a good heart that she lent us her mobile phone: So you are able to contact us: 001 246 236 81 85.
Here is a short photo gallery about our crossing:
The Marina in San Sebastian de la Gomera was the best Marina till now. Jose and Marica and all the staff are like angels.
The first day was the last day we saw land. In the beginning it was pretty cold at night and we had to eat a lot of Bananas.
Sailing over the Atlantic is not only trimming the sails, you have to deal also with flying fish and ghosts.
Closer to the Caribbean we got less wind and more tropical rain.
The first sign of land was uncle Tom! He could not get enough like real Tom. But finaly it showed us land and wales, dolphines and even a rainbow welcomed us!
The first time we touched land after 20 days of cruising was in the deep water habour in Bridgetown, where we had done imigration – and custom formalities. Pachamama was quite a small boat between these big luxury liners… and we felt that we have chosen the right vessel for the crossing!

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