Prickly Bay, Grenada, day 447
Biking total: 43 days, 1877 km, 13’400 altimeters.
Climbing total: 186 days, 3040 km, 106’500 altimeters.
Sailing total: 218 days, 6350 nm
Version auf Deutsch vgl. am Schluss.
Rigger Clint Brooks explained: “It is easy to lose the mast with this rigging, so nevertheless you have had good luck on the crossing!”
After this shock we did not know who goes to pay the new rigging. We decided better to start cleaning dishes in a restaurant at the beach. By this occasion Sabine learned to cook local fish meals.
Last week it was the first time the used the scalpel, because Dario’s hiking shoes are a little bit to small. But the biggest concern was the rigging.
Again we have had great support from all sides: TOPtoTOP head coordinator Fiona Tutty got in touch with SOROMAP, the company where the broken fittings come from. Result: SOROMAL seems to take the costs to change the rigging. They used bad stainless fittings with too much carbon in it in 1999 and 2000.
Thanks also to Murette Assurance and all our friends: White Princess, Baloo 1, Star Cruiser, Jean Braure, Laura Bruce … for the advises and investigations about how and where we are able to change the rigging.
A special thank to G