smallest TOP and beach cleaning

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St. Thomas, US-Virgin Islands, day 482
Biking total: 43 days, 1877 km, 13’400 altimeters.
Climbing total: 186 days, 3040 km, 106’500 altimeters.
Sailing total: 253 days, 6908 nm
Students visited Pachamama on Friday afternoon and we got their climate solutions as a present.
This weekend volenteers meet for a TOPtoTOP-beach-cleaning-action on a beach near the TOP of Water Island:
After the warm-up we climbed TOP of Water Island, the smallest mountain on the TOPtoTOP Expedition. On the beach we discovered a wrack from hurrican “Hugo”. This boat was smashed on land by the wind! Because of global climate change hurricans are getting more frequent and extrem!
The TOPtoTOP team was very efficient today: Young and old together filled 12 big garbage bags in only 17 minutes; – that’s a new record! The hard work was the transportation through the bush. There we discovered interesting wildlife. Some wild animals observed us when we passed. Back in the civilisation we oganized a golf-car to transport the garbage. After the climb and beach-cleaning-action we went for a swim at Honeymoon Beach.

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