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St. Thomas, US-Virgin Islands, day 493
Biking total: 43 days, 1877 km, 13’400 altimeters.
Climbing total: 187 days, 3060 km, 106’700 altimeters.
Sailing total: 263 days, 6932 nm
Alex invited us to his place for one week or longer. Unfortunately we could stay only 2 days in his paradise, because we have had a presentation in Antilles School (120 children). The view was marvelous and Sabine found some time for painting.
Douglas and Rachael Ackley from Caribbean Dried Foods sponsored dry fish.
John Braure invited us for a cruise on his sail boat to St. John. But we had to replace the batteries first, before we could sail to St. John.
To protect our Dinghi from dirt and dust, Sabine sewed a coral cover with our website on it. That was hard work. She did it so well, that Marine Tech giving us the opportunity to do it wanted to hire her.
Yesterday we finally met Bob and Carol from Star Cruiser. We saw them 5 months ago in Teneriffe on the Canarian Isalnds. There they became TOPtoTOP members.
One hour ago the shop “keep left” sponsored clothing. The TOPtoTOP members Graham and Bill made this sponsorship possible.
It is amazing how great the help is we get on St. Thomas. Tomorrow everybody is invited at 2 p.m. at Beans Bytes and Websites at the Waterfront for a goodbye event.

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