On the way to Ecuador

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From Panama to our current position (02.17N/080.26W) we have had good
winds and the sea has been very calm: – perfect sailing conditions.
The Pacific seems to like TOPtoTOP! There were dolphins, whales and some strange birds welcoming us to this new ocean. The water is less salty than the Atlantic and just right to cook pasta. The waves are like huge hills and much more comfortable than in the Med or Atlantic.
Yesterday evening conditions changed when we tried to navigate around Cap Galera on the border between Columbia and Ecuador:
We have 25 kn of wind on the nose; and even worser, the Humbolt current from Antarctica is just opposite our course. Some minutes ago we just saw that we are on the same place like 3 hours ago.
So we have hard work tacking. We estimate to cross the Equator on Sunday and to be in Salinas, Ecuador at the Puerto Lucia Yacht Club on Monday afternoon. From Fiona we got the message that the Swiss ambassador Mr. Reich is happy to welcome us and to help organizing our stay!
IMPORTANT: for people who like to hike in the Andes or climb Cotopaxi or Chimborazo with us in June – July 2004: Please call 00871 7625 68 933 or email to dario@toptotop.org.
Some thoughts about developing countries in German:
Da uns die Lebensweise der Kunas sehr beeindruckte, hier noch einige Gedanken zu unserer Arbeit in Entwicklungsl

ACT Alaska Andri Arctic Ocean Australia California Canada Chile CYCLING Europe EXPLORE Hawaii INSPIRE Mexico North America North Pacific NW PASSAGE SAILING Salina seven seas & seven summits South Pacific Switzerland TOPtoTOP USA Voyage