In Balboa, Panama we have had a goodbye party with our friends from Scandinavia and Hanspeter. The Pacific was so calm that we were able to have normal dinner and eat like human beings with a fork and knife from a plate. There we met some new friends: dolphins and whales. We never saw so many dolphins and whales at the same time up until now. Our French crew were quite exited when they were playing with the bow. Elise screamed once so loud that my heart sank into my stomach, because I thought we are just going to crash against a big container vessel; – but she saw “only” a wale!
On the first of May Pachamama passed for the first time the equator. We are happy to report that Elise and Jonathan succeeded the hard tests of Nepteuse (Sabine) and Neptun (Dario).
Now we are heading to Quito to meet the Swiss Ambassador Mr. Reich and start organizing with him the next school presentations and the climb to Cotopaxi and Chimborazo. Note: Chimborazo is the highest mountain on earth measured from the center of the planet, because our planet is about 20 km larger at the equator.
Last call for people who would like to bike, hike or climb with us in Ecuador over the next few months. Please email ASAP to, if you are interested to join us.