Swiss ambassador will join on Cotopaxi

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We left our climbing equipment at our base camp, – Villa Nancy in Quito.
The owner family Gonzales-Hauri not only sponsered our stay, they also invited us to Otavalo. We were on the market and met a lot of natives. The people here are happy and very friendly. We hiked to the Cascada de Peguche and around the Laguna Cuicocha to acclimatize.
On Sunday evening we met Reno and Padre Nino Calzada. Reno is a very helpful mountain guide, who will help us to organize the climbs and offered us to stay at Tambopaxi Lodge just at the bottom of Cotopaxi. The Padre will help us to organize some school visits and places to stay during our bike tour from the boat to the mountains. Today we got an official letter from him, so that we are able to stay at priests along the way.
Today we met also ambassador Robert Reich. He offered us to help with organizing the media and school presentations. He was extremly helpful and we got his sun’s mobile for the time we are here!
He will climb with us Cotopaxi in the back of Quito. We fixed the date between the 18th and 20th of June, – it will be full moon at the 17th of June!
But the best is: Today is our 3th wedding anniversary and we love each other veeeeeeeeeery much!
Tomorrow at 5.50 a.m. we go back to Pachamama to get the bikes and bike up to the mountains. We just got the info that Reno is planing to join us with his friends.
We also got an email from Rainer Henfling and Katja Bohner. They want to join us next May for several months! – Super!
Last message we got: Veronica Moreno from the World Conservation Union wrote published a great story in Spanish about ToptoTop.

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