Waiting for wind!

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Position: 24.37S/108.14W
We left Galapagos 16 days ago and are 155 nm in front of Easter
Island. The first two days of our crossing we have had
light winds till we got in the trade wind belt. There we have done up to
170 nm a day. Since last Monday we are waiting for
wind to get to Easter Island, where we would like to do a school visit.
Fortunately we have a current of 1 kn, – so we are
still moving a little bit. It is nice to sail with our two crew members
Berit and Armando: Unfortunately Berit was very sea
seek for one week. Armando does a good job on the helm for his first
time on a sail boat. The biggest problem till now: After
the 3rd day the toilette is blocked and we have to shit overboard; and
yesterday we lost our fishing gear. – To all people
who tried to contact us: Sorry, we have been in a satellite hole; but
now it should work again: 00872 7625 68 933.

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