Schools to Universities

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Please note: TOPtoTOP-presentation information for school directors in Chile in the last expedition report.
Hello, – back again!
I am Salina and I life with my Mami and Papi on the sailboat Pachamama.
Here the view out of our bedroom on Rio Valdivia in Patagonia. The climate is getting colder and colder and there is fresh snow on the volcanos. So I need warm clothing.
The water is freezing cold and our calorifier not working; – means taking a bath is tough! But my Papi told me that Eskimo babies are very healthy because they swim in ice water…
One thing is true after this torture: a warm towel afterwards feels like heaven. If the torture is too tough I have my own weapons: first warning and than – FIRE!
During the week we do presentations for primary schools.
There we write some confusing formulas about global climate change on the blackboard, so that the students come up with many interesting questions during the break. Very interesting for them is also the climate solutions we found during our expedition and especially those we collect in Switzerland during the start with Swiss TOPtoTOP in 2002 and 2003.
The result: 3 weeks old and I have had my first article in the newspaper Diario Austral, here the photo shooting in front of the school.
Now I am already 40 days old and old enough to join my father for presentations at universities. Here the most environmental friendly students and organizers of the TOPtoTOP-event at the Facoldat Ciencias Veterinarias Universidad Austral Valdivia.
Also at home on Pachamama I am very busy, because Mami & Papi need always my advise: – to do difficult repairs of the last storm, to cook the right menu or to write the expedition report.
After work I have my relax program: I dance from the stern to the bow or I paint some art or I listen to Papi

ACT Alaska Andri Arctic Ocean Australia California Canada Chile CYCLING Europe EXPLORE Hawaii INSPIRE Mexico North America North Pacific NW PASSAGE SAILING Salina seven seas & seven summits South Pacific Switzerland TOPtoTOP USA Voyage