TOPtoTOP events in Switzerland

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The TOPtoTOP General assembly and the TOPtoTOP Fiesta on Lanaberg from the 1st to the 3rd of July was a success. On the 2nd of July we climbed Mount Gonzen and celebrated the baptism of Salina. – Thanks for your partizipation!
Next Saturday, the 6th of August, we will meet on the campground in Maloya for the TOPtoTOP Sports Camp. From our base camp we do sailing, climbing, hiking, biking and clean ups.
Please do not forget your tent, sleeping bag, mat, kitchen tools, good shoes, hiking clothes, and pocket light.
If possible climbing shoes, climbing harness.
Please let us know if you can bring a cooker.
Bikes and sailing boats we go to rent.
— German:
Naechsten Samstag treffen wir uns gegen abend auf dem Campingplatz Maloya. Zur Zeit haben wir 14 Anmeldungen. Der Campingplatz ist unser Basislager, von wo wir segeln, klettern, wandern, biken, clean ups und ein Gletschertrekking machen wollen.
Bitte Zelt, Schlafsack, Matratze, Taschenlampe, Ess- und Kochgeschirr, gute Schuhe und Kleider (Regenschutz, Muetze, Handschuhe, Sonnenbrille) mitnehmen.
Falls moeglich: Steigeisen (angepasst), Eispickel, Gst

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