The climb

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Salina got her third tooth and is able to eat like an adult and join the climb.
We moved to the camp ground in Galeta Gonzalo where Nico explained us how they produce organic food.
The next day we climbed from sea level trough the beautiful and dense forest to our base camp with a lot of soft moss on 850 m. We camped on a spectacular lagun just on the base of the glacier with a wonderful view on the Pacific Ocean.
During the night it was extremly warm. At 3.15 a.m. Jimmy, Sabine and I started climbing.; no clouds – only stars. Annemarie stayed with Salina in our tent. As soon as we accessed the glacier the first clouds came up. We continued in the fog. Then it started to rain and the snow were getting soft so that the snow bridges over the crevasses were getting weak. At around 7 a.m. we turned back on a altitude of 1800 m and joined Annemarie and Salina to climb further down. At 10 p.m. we arrived on Pachamama where already our friend Martin expected us.
Today we washed our cloths and were again invited by Tompkins for a barbeque.

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