Departure from Chile

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During our stay in Chile there were more than 5000 young people participating our presentations, work shops and clean ups. Now we are ready to leave for our next destination: Remote islands in the Pacific. These islanders fight against the hazard of sea level raising, – another cause of global warming.

young Chilenian participaiting
What happened since:
After our activities in Patagonia we came back to Valdivia to prepare for the long crossing to remote schools in Polynesia: Salina was coordinating our work or flirting with locals, Sabine made a sun protection and our neighbor Juergen and I were solving an electrical problem. By the way: Our neighbors Ingrid and Juergen on SY Josi have a very efficient and environmental friendly solution on their boat: a prop shaft generator, which delivers electricity during sailing as soon as the prop is turning.

farmer family Guebler
Just now we do the last minute preparations. We need food for at least 3 months. The family and farmers Guebler from Freire, where we have done a presentation in October 2005, came with organic food directly from their farm.
Thanks to Frederico and our new crew Elise and Jonathan, we are able to share the work. Elise and Jonathan joined us already from Panama to Ecuador. They are from France and will join us now for the crossing and will help us with their perfect French in schools in French Polynesia.

Pachamama with new “power arc” and the new SPADE anchor
Pachamama got a very useful equipment: 2 solar panels from Megasol. Thanks to the Swiss embassy we got the panels in time. Alwoplast and Navtec made a very solid arc for us, where we were able to place the Megasol panels and the Superwind generators. Today we have done a test: There was enough electricity to run all systems optimized by WAECO and Raymarine products, incl. the low energy water maker from Katadyn.
The crossing towards Polynesia starts tomorrow. In about 4 days we will get to Robinson Crouse Island to visit the school and hopefully find the missing treasure :-). – Thanks to the islanders Otto Jost Schnyder who will coordinate our activities.
Then we need about 6 weeks to cross the Pacific to the Gambier Island, the fist islands in French Polynesia. Until October we will visit remote schools in the Southern Pacific between Tahiti and Australia. During the hurricane season in the Southern hemisphere, which starts end of October until end of April, we think to do our activities in Australia and climb Mt. Kosciusko, the highest TOP on our 4th continent. We will use the hurricane season also to work and earn some money, – and may to do some fundraising in Europe so that we are able to continue our expedition after the hurricans…
Here the Chilenian article in the Diario Austral from the 28th of March 2006 about our departure and our example what can be done with renewable energies on a sailboat.

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