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We arrived safe in Apia harbour on Samoa. Unfortunately we could not land on Suwarrow Island because the swell was too big for the dangerous pass into this atoll. The wind on the passage was mostly between 20 and 30 nm and up to 40 nm in the squalls. So we have had a fast passage and once we made 188 nm in 24 h.

In Apia We arrived on Saturday morning and had to wait till Monday to do the clearance to get the permission to go on shore. Like this we have had a lot of time to paint, to wash our cloths and to clean the bilge after a disaster with the toilette. But do not worry: Our small inspector just told us that everything is all right again!

During the working days we are busy to do our school presentations and to collect good examples.
At the Leifiifi College we saw a very good example, the plastics recycling project. The students are collecting plastic bottels. The bottles are than recycled to produce tables and chairs for the students.
At the Stevenson Memorial Reserve the park ranger Afele Faiilagi Saili explained us the erosion of the coast caused by sea level rising, caused by global warming.

Today we have been at the Apia Primary School. Annemarie has done a recycling workshop, Dario a presentation on global warming and Sabine was presenting our country Switzerland.

A funny story from our TOPtoTOP member Federico from Chile:
“Estimados Sabine, Dario y chicos. Hoy tuvimos una gran sorpresa. A la hora del caf

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