Australia Day

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Still school holidays and we enjoy the cycling back with family Storm to the boat in Sydney. Sabine is o.K. again! Thanks to Norm and Tony we were able to stay two days on the campground in Coledale.

Thanks to the Swiss Ambassador Christian Muehlethaler we got in contact with Australia – and the South Pacific Correspondent for German language media in Europe, Urs Waelterlin. After the camp on Windellema’s school playground, where we met principal Rosmary Chapman again, we cycled to his farm “Wombat Creek”, where we had a warm welcome and pasta. He was able to organize us an article in the Goulborn Post newspaper. We were also able to plan with his wife Christine and college teacher Bill school- and public presentations in the months who come. Urs Waelterlin made also a contact to Esther Blank from “Deutsche Welle”. She has very good connections to the media in Australia and is of big help for our planed media event end of January when we arrive in Sydney.

From Wombat Creek we went further to Bundanoon, where we spent two days with our friends Andrew and Alison from the YHA. Thanks again to YHA NSW for your support!

From Bundanoon we went to the Fitzroy Falls, where we met Keith Williams. He was the first Australian who skied to the South Pool. He will visit us on Pachamama to give us more advises for the first attempt to reach Mount Vinson without a motor.
In the Kangaroo Valley we found a new technic to make a salade without any tools, plates and bowls: a normal plastic bag was enough.

At night a Wombat made its business infront our tent.

On Australia day we cycled up from Kangaroo Valley to Berry where we broke two spokes. Arnie cycled with our broken wheel on his back to Narow to fix it. We were invited to stay at his place and met also his lovely wife Christine. Finally we had a nice party with his friends to celebrate Australia Day!

Arnie is not only a great sportsman, he is also a gifted musician. Go to his website and download his latest arts.

In the Royal National Park the infromation offficiers Glen and Michele donated us fresh fruits after a very hot day. We had also a visit of Mercedes, Chantal and Seline and of famous rockstar Tom.
After the park we run into Tony on SY “little Swan” we met in Samoa, Fiji, Vanuatu and New Caledonia.

Now we just arrived in Sydney at Cathrine and Lionel’s house. Tomorrow we will cycle the last leg to Pachamama. At this moment we have complished exact 1500 km from the time we left our expedition boat.

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