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Our view from the shed we lived in during our school visits in Goulburn. It’s on the property Wombat Creek, 15 km out of Goulburn owned by family Christine, Urs, Samuel and David Walterlin.

After the Blue Mountains we have been shortly back in Sydney to meet John Anderson to discuss stability regulations for the Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race and to celebrate Sabine’s birthday.
Thank you Mercedes to look after Salina and Andri so that I was able to invite Sabine to Carmen! It is not an easy jop, exspecially with Andri:

Andri out of controll for 2 seconds, – eaven when you put your lipstick in a safe, he managed to do it!

On the way to Goulburn we visited:

Canterbury Public School and Canterbury Girls high School.

In Menai we had 550 students at the Inaburra School.

In the art gallery of Goulburn we met students of the Tambelin Independent School, the Goulbern Public School and the Tiranna Public School last Friday afternoon…

… and at night there was a public presentation for the people of Goulburn.

Yesterday morning Goulbern West Public School enyoied the TOPtoTOP presentation and also pariticipated in the TOPtoTOP Climate Solution Contest!

Goulburn High School erm was in the afternoon.

Today there was a TOPtoTOP presentation at the Wollondilly Public School…

… and the Mulwaree High School.

Thanks to our great “Goulburn organizers Urs Walterlin and Bill Dorman who made these presentaions possible. The family Walterlin also orgtainzed us a Motel for the first night in town, a hair cut for Sabine and a breakfast at the Greengrocer Restaurant. At the weekend they organized a big barbeque that was also fun for the kids. Thank you so much family Walterlin and friends!

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