On the way from Sydney to Tasmania

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Sorry, we could not do a report for 3 weeks because our expedition reports crashed. We were very afraid to lose all our expedition reports from the last 7 years. Thanks to Thomas everything works again! An overview what happened in that time:
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Switzerland meets Australia!
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Presentation @ the Discovery Center in Canberra organised by the Swiss Club President Heinz Buettikofer and our freinds Gabi Hasler and Werner Albrecht
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@ the school in Tumut
After our cycling from Sydney to the Blue Mountains and Goulburn we continued to Canberra in ATC, Tumut in NSW and Benalla in Victoria, before we crossed from Melbourne to Tasmania.
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Sabine @ Telopea Park School in Canberra
We met wonderful people on the way and have been busy with presentations in schools, Rotary clubs and universities. Thank you Miranda, for organizing the presentation @ the University of Canberra!… and a special thanks to Steven Jenkins for our “Tumut highlight” with its great people!
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@ the Rotary Club of Canberra: Dario, President Michael Moore, Swiss Ambassador Christian Muehlethaler
The Rotary Club of Canberra and the Rotary Club of Tumut together with the Lions Club of Tumut have done great donations to TOPtoTOP.
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In ATC Andri picked up a funny illness. We were able to rest over Easter at Family Dobson’s place in Benalla. hanks to our friend and doctor Claudio Canova Andri is better now.
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Olivia, Kerryn and Bill Dobson

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