Pachamama shines again

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Read more about theTumut report by Alissa Jenkins and the climate actions of our friend Benoit!
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Thanks to the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron we were able to do our annual antifouling at Kiribili, just opposite the opera house.
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– to Andrew McIntyre, Tom Giese and Scott Griffith mechanic of the Squadron,
– to David Brown from RESENE for the paint,
– to Hans Gerber from Minale Bryce Design for the SGS logo,
– to welder Philip Lucas from Mobility Welding for checking the rudder
– Family Marbach for looking after the children
– volunteers Malvina, Peter and Lionel to give us a hand…
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It was hard work for Sabine and I and our kids were very ill with 41 and 39 degrees of fever! We needed 4 days to clean and sandpaper the hall and 4 days to put the 3 layers on antifouling paint.
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We changed the anodes on the propeller and on the keel, controlled depth sounder and speedometer and cleaned all drains. We put a new baring and a new packing on the prop shaft. We fixed a leek of one of our tanks and reinforced the rudder… and many small jobs more… and there were still presentations going on, like on the Cercle Romand de Sydney where we got a super Raclette!
Here the result:
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… much better than before:
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Back in the water, we were gliding on Pachamama trough the water like on a dauphin!
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Note: This Friday we have the SGS sponsorship announcement in Melbourne. A big step for TOPtoTOP: – with this partnership the Global Climate Expedition becomes even more efficient!
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