Sovereign Hill – Ballarat – Ararat

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The old gold main town Sovereign Hill invited us to stay in their village. It was very interesting to go underground, do candles and find some gold.
In Ararat we did a presentation in the Mary’s School, where they have a great receicling project. Another good example to reduce CO2-emissions is the wind farm of Pacific Hydro where we did an interview to the local newspaper.
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In Ballarat we had an interview with ABC radio, an article in the Courier and a presentation of Ballarat West Rotary Club, where we met David A. Goldsmith. He is a Dental Surgeon and runs an aid program in Tonga and told us of another interesting example he just visited:
“…I mentioned to you that I recently visited a small desert Outback town in Australia called Birdsville which impressed me with its sustainable ecology (as well as its rugged desert scenery and people)
– it sources all its hot and cold water and electricity from an underground bore. Birdsville is an iconic spot in Australia (population 60) that everyone knows for its pub, its horse racing day (4000 people turned up to last year’s races and had a fun time at the racecourse even though there were no horses there due to an equine flu virus scare!) and its people’s ongoing struggle with nature; but most visitors never notice the “world’s smallest hydro-electric plant” – some pictures attached that may interest you. However not the sort of place you could walk or cycle to very easily!
Also I just wanted to say how wonderful it was to meet up with you the other night and thank you again for telling our Rotary Club about your amazing exploits around the world. I think it is a wonderful educational adventure you are in the midst of and I will follow your web page as you move around the world. You have given yourselves quite a challenge but I wish you all the very best in your
endeavours.- Good Luck.!
Your beautiful children Andri and Salina I am sure will be raised to appreciate the wonders of this planet and appreciate the values that their parents share and in turn pass these on to their next generation, just like you are both doing to other children around the world. I believe the human race still has to come to terms that we belong to this one planet, which we are abusing by our hunger for exponential growth, and we will all eventually need to forsake our parochialism and to think globally if the planet is to evolve into a sustainable system. But we have a big task ahead of us.
I hope you have enjoyed your stay in Australia and best wishes to you and your family and your project in the future – I have bookmarked it and I will follow it with interest. Personally I found it a privilege to meet you.
David Goldsmith”
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Thank you so much Ballarat West Rotarians for your donation!

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