Mount Arapiles

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Clive Curson and Louise Shepherd invited us to their house in Natimuk, close to the best free climbing spot in Australia: Mount Arapiles. Louise runs the Climbing Company. She was one of the first women to regularly onsight grade 25.
We have done a presentation in the Natimuk Primary School and a public presentation in the community hall. Louise was busy putting announcement posters everywhere and talking to ABC radio about our session. In Nautimuk we found a sustainable house producing all its energy (4 kW) with sun and wind power.

Thanks to Great Southern Railways we arrived now in Adelaide, Southern Australia where we are again busy with schools.
Here some pictures about the classic route at Arapiles, Tiptoe Ridge. Salina was amazing! She climbed all 5 pitches to the very top and had a lot of fun: Andri and Dario, Salina in the overhang; Salina and Sabine showing the next project; Andri, Salina and Dario on a top; Salina and Sabine climbing; securing; family Schwoerer in action
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Read the feedback from Emerald Primary School and their new toilet system:
“Hi Dario
Where are you now? NZ?? Here the direct link to the news story in the Pekky – and the Barwick Gazette.
Find on our school website the link to the TOPtoTOP school event (i put your link right there on the front page)…
You will be pleased to know we are about to order our new toilet flushing system for all the kids toilets (which account for about 90% of our water usage) The system will collect water from the school roof, then pump to a header tank via a windmill. – no unsustainable energy used and only onsite water used! How good is that!? It wont get us to mt everest but it will help us also do something for the planet it was wonderful meeting you and your family
best wishes and safe travels
emerald primary school”
Check Marbach’s movies about TOPtoTOP!
Check the article in The Ararat Advertiser.

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