Merry Christmas Everyone!

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Well, we certainly couldn’t have asked for better promotion of our cause! The TOPtoTOP expedition has been receiving a massive amount of Media attention! All major channels will broadcast a segment in the news tonight about PACHAMAMA’s participation in the race, including a half-hour feature on Channel 7. The media was particularly happy this morning, when they were invited to cover the arrival of Santa Claus, who delivered presents to Salina and Andri! It was a wonderful morning for the Children, along with everyone on board. There is a real christmas spirit here at the CYCA, buzzing with excitement about the race!
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If you are living in Australia, try catch the expedition on the news tonight at the following times;
Channel 7 – 6.00pm
Channel 10 – 5.20pm
Channel 9 – 6.00pm
SBS – 6.30pm
ABC – 7.15pm
Also Tomorrow;
ABC radio – 7til 7.45pm
The Daily Telegraph Newspaper .
It’s wonderful to get so much attention, we really hope the media can help us raise awareness of Global Warming, and help to promote our example of sustainable energy. This was our main goal in taking part of the race, and already we feel that it has been a great success! PACHAMAMA has been in the spotlight all week, with her solar panels and wind turbines nicely on display!
SO! Merry Christmas to everyone once again! Hope your celebrating, and having a wonderful time!
Santa Hat.JPG
Best regards, from TOPtoTOP.

ACT Alaska Andri Arctic Ocean Australia California Canada Chile CYCLING Europe EXPLORE Hawaii INSPIRE Mexico North America North Pacific NW PASSAGE SAILING Salina seven seas & seven summits South Pacific Switzerland TOPtoTOP USA Voyage