NZ hospitality

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NZ is a great country! Its landscape is like Switzerland, but without people, means a perfect site to cycle with hardly any traffic.
We met our TOPtoTOP coordinator for NZ, Nita Smith in Hokitika.
She contacted us with Family Dave and Rach Cassaidy.
The picture shows the NZ hospitality very well. Great food and a warm shower and we felt like Xmas. Dave is working at the Mount Aspiring Collage in Wanaka with 650 students.
There we made 2 presentations and the students are quite keen to participate in the TOPtoTOP Global Climate Solution Contest.
Iris and Gary Dickson from Alpinism and Ski invited me sailing on Lake Wanaka, while Sabine and the kids continuing cycling with our students. On the boat was also Iris friend Jane Wilkinson from Nautimuk. – We did a public presentation in Nautimuk Australia in June 08 and Jane knows very well Louise and Cliff, where we were able to stay. So the world is quite small! – Gary is a great mountain guide and in the board of the mountain rescue in NZ. He works every year 3 months in the Swiss Alps, where he met Iris (Swiss). They may have work for me next time we sail to NZ.
We also met the owner of Adventure Consultants, Guy Cotter. They are very experienced on Everest. We are looking forward to work together with Guy while we are in the Himalayas.
Here some pictures while we were cycling wtith the students from Xchurch along the West Coast to the South:
Thank you to the 2nd group of students from St. Andrew’s school and trip manager Vince for your patient to cycle together with Salina and Andri!
The Franz Josef Glacier is advancing at the moment with 80 m per year and goes down to 200 m over sea level. Andri enjoyed the ice climbing and Salina the rock climbing:
Please remember Salina’s birthday on the 11th of April.
Our number is 0064 2 10 39 89 61. Presents can be shipped to: TOPtoTOP, c/o Gold Coast City Marina, Administration Building 76-84 Waterway Drive Coomera, Queensland, Australia. 4209
Here some idea’s for Salina’s birthday:
Hier nur kurz bez. Salina’s Wünschen:
Salina würde sehr gerne zur Schule gehen und macht gerne “Aufgaben”. Leider ist das in NZ und Australien nicht so einfach, wegen der Haftung und Versicherungsprobleme, wenn sie sich nicht in der Schule eingeschrieben hat. Letztes Mal hatten die Erstklässler Tanzuntericht und sie durfte nicht mitmachen!
Idee 1: Lern-Spielzeug
Wir wären deshalb froh, wenn wir für Salina etwas Schulmaterial haben, wo sie spielerisch lernen kann.
Idee 2: Einen Monat Homeschooling-Unterlagen
Wir wollen mit Salina mit “Homeschooling” beginnen. Alle unterlagen zum Basteln, Lernnen etc. wird zugesandt.
Idee 3: Bücher, die uns beim Unterricht helfen würden:
– “Pädagogischer Auftrag und Unterrichtsziele- vom Lehrplan der Waldorfschule” (ISBN 3-7725-0269-5) Mit diesem Buch haben wir ein Leitfaden und wissen in welchem Alter, wir was unterrichten sollten.
– “Der Anfangsunterricht in der Mathematik an der Waldorfschule” (ISBN 3-7725-0263-6)
– “Der Anfangsunterricht im Schreiben und Lesen” (ISBN 3-7725-0227-X)
– “Der künstlerische Untericht in der Waldorfschule, Malen und Zeichnen” (ISBN 3-7725-0229-6)

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