Leaving NZ for schools in Australians Outback

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Check latest article in NZ… and how Dario became pregnant!
From Picton we crossed Cook Strait in perfect conditions to Wellington, the capital of NZ.
There we were invited by family Dave & Margaret Allison and Mohammad Ali Amiri to stay in their house.
The next day we picked up some brochures from the Swiss Embassy that we are going to use during our workshops in the schools.
Dave showed us around Wellington. Wind farms are becoming quite popular in this windy corner of NZ, where the wind is tunneled by the South – and North Island in the opening of Cook Strait.
Very interesting was the NZ national museum where you can learn a lot about climate change and why Mount Cook dropped 10 m. Salina was most impressed by the original model of a blue whale heart:
Now we are off to Austalia and the Outback where we are invited in the Barcaldine Shire to visit some really remote schools…

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