Sleepless nights

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After the ultrasound in Cairns (see last report) the doctor called us and told us to see him next morning at 6.30 a.m… He explained us that the kidneys of our baby are not o.k. and that we have to see a specialist the same day. That was quite a shock for us!
At 9 a.m. that day we had a school presentation and soon after we made it thanks to Peter Käsermann’s wife Terumi to the specialist. In a short session he explained us that the channel of the kidney is about 15 times bigger than normal, – may a blockage – and that we have to go to Brisbane, because they do not have the facilities for further tests in
Cairns. Depending on the results in Brisbane Sabine has to stay in Brisbane and our baby may have to come out earlier to have an operation. After the session he sent a fax to the New Mater Mothers Hospital to get an appointment for Sabine.
So we could not sleep anymore and got in contact with the REGA in Switzerland. The REGA was very efficient and of big help, mentally but also by organizing the flight down to Brisbane. The 24 hours emergency service of our health insurance was on the other hand a disaster. On the 30th of June Sabine and I flew at 9 o’clock to Brisbane, leaving
Salina and Andri behind with our crew Jacqui on board of Pachamama. We made it in time for the 15.50 hours appointment in the New Mater Mothers Hospital. After several hours in the hospital doctor Rob Cincotta explained us the problem. The good news was that Sabine has not to stay in Brisbane and she can deliver the baby in normal time. She needs checkups till she gives birth and as soon as the baby is born it will be possible to define which kind of treatment it is required. Late in the evening we were able to catch a flight back and arrived early next morning on Pachamama.
As soon as Salina and Andri were up we went to the playground at the Esplanade of Cairns. Sabine and I tried for 4 hours to find a solution if we should have the baby in Cairns or continue to Darwin and have the baby there. To Darwin it is 1300 nm, so between 2 and 3 weeks sailing and Sabine should not to be too late for the next check. To stay in Cairns till the baby is born was a very attractive alternative thanks to all our friends there, but it means a big risk afterwards when the cyclone season starts while we are sailing North in the middle of the cyclone belt.
Early next morning Sabine and I were early on deck to see the sunrise. The weather forecast predicted fair winds for the next days. Suddenly both of us had a good feeling and we knew best is to continue towards Darwin. We contacted the Swiss honorary consul Peter Bendel in Darwin and got an address of a hospital and a midwife.
Today Friday the 3rd of July we went early for some fruits from the market. Andreas and Susanne Widmer from the Swiss Cake and Coffee Shop ( made us a great gift: a wonderful Swiss cake and 8 loaves of finest Swiss bread “Pfünderli”, the first real original Swiss bread after we left Switzerland! At lunch time we set sails for Darwin around Cape York leaving the Pacific for the Indian Ocean. With us are Jacqui and Clive. Clive we met when we were with our bikes at Natimuk in the South of Australia about one year ago, where we climbed with him on Mount Arapiles, – the first “big wall” for the whole family…
Note: Christian Hug try once +870 7625 68 933
posted near Cape York S11.57 E143.12, Australia on the 8th of July, 2009

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