Impressions of India

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We are in Motihari: N26.38.844 E084.55.717. Yesterday we have been in Muzaffarpur N26.06.996 E085.23.079. Tomorrow we go to cross the border from India into Nepal.
Thanks to Simona Blosi – here a map.
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Where ever we stop there are people. We always start at 3.30 a.m. to avoid the traffic and do the first stop not before sun rise. That’s the time when the traffic explode and it’s getting really hard to make your way even trough small towns.
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In the country the bicycles are still the most important means of transportation.
India is full of contrasts:
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Yesterday we did 130 km and crossed a 7 km long bridge over the Ganges. At night Matteo became a doctor to examine Vitterano’s bloody bottom.
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This morning everybody was fit again (here at the photo shooting at 3.30 a.m.). Many thanks again to TVSICS and ITIL: we are looking forward to meet many Indian schools again after the monsoon when the exams are over. Thanks also to CANYON. It is just the best bike for this kind of roads! …. and finally many thanks to Neethi and Santhosh, our loyal Indian companions, here on a electrical bike manufactured in India: US 1000.-, max. speed 30 km/h, range 6 to 8 h…. another good solution for our climate!
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