Waking up from my stormy first night here in Maloja with slightly wet tents and cold brisk morning winds, a hot coffee and filling breakfast was perfect. Us students, Stephan, Celine, Mercedes, Anne-Marie and Meera (a beautiful 9month old hound) began to prepare for our hike to Soglio. We walked to the Post Office and caught the bus at 10:44am to Lobbia. Situated in the valley, is a hydro-electric power plant which is an excellent solution of ‘green energy’ which uses the water stored in the mountains to produce electricity. We were able to receive a private tour from the chief of the plant, explaining the processes of the EWZ (Electricity Facility Zurich) in Switzerland.
Afterwards, we continued on with our hike to Soglio. The walk was very interesting as we passed by many examples of sustainable energy sources; such as solar panels and rainwater catchments.
The clean energy ideas which are used by the local Swiss people are innovative and practical. To be able to power electric-fences by using the power of the sun and keeping troughs full for animals using rainwater as well as natural streams flowing down from the mountains.
We crossed many beautiful waterfalls and passed by countless abandoned firewood houses. After an amazing picnic situated infront of an old farmhouse with a picturesque view of the Alps, we finally arrived in Soglio, taking 4.5 hours of continuous walking. Our hard work was definitely rewarded once we reached the stunning village. The olden-day looks of the stone roofs and closeness of the village buildings was nothing short of disappointing!
We enjoyed the awesome scenery with a cold drink before catching the bus back to our base camp for a late traditional Swiss dinner, then an early nights rest.