600 sets of pencils for Nepali kids

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The Rotary Club of Yankalilla in District 9520, South Australia, in conjunction with TOPtoTOP Global Climate Expedition has undertaken a project to collect coloured pencils to send to children at Mahendra Jyoti Chaurikharka School Nepal.
We have collected approximately 600 sets of pencils, and 725 sharpeners. The Rotary Foundation has very kindly provided us not only with funds to ship the pencils and sharpeners to Nepal, but have given us extra funding to send 200 colouring-in books as well! The photo shows Don Law and President Elect Gus Gauvin getting ready to pack the boxes (the pencils and sharpeners shown are only a portion of what we have collected!).
In the name of all the children we met in Nepal I like to say a BIG THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU joining this action!
I believe with actions like this you can change the hearts of people and finally the world. Furthermore it makes sense to invest in education. It helps improve directly the situation of these kids and is the key for a sustainable future of our planet in peace. Once again, congratulations!
Kind regards,
Here some more pictures of Alegra:
2011-05-18_geburt-alegra_0106.JPGAlegra awake and asleep 2011-05-18_geburt-alegra_0110.JPG

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