COP17: Doris Leuthard joined us

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2011-12-08_sa_cop17 (95)-geschnitten-r.jpgSwitzerland’s environment minister Doris Leuthard on Pachamama with the Swiss Ambassador for South Africa Christian Meuwly…they are both TOP!
2011-12-08_sa_cop17 (82)r.jpgSabine and Dario were invited for the “Momentum of Change” event at the conference
2011-12-08_sa_cop17 (84)r.jpgThe Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon together with Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC Christiana Figueres
2011-12-08_sa_cop17 (87)r.jpgSabine – Christiana – Dario on the reception after the “Momentum of Change” event. Thanks to our baby sitters Kathi and Joice, Sabine was able to attend too!
2011-12-08_sa_cop17 (63)r.jpg Dario giving a presentation to students at the Swiss booth.
Here our team; – Dario Eberhard looks after the stand in the 1st week, thank you so much. That keeps as free to meet people and do our media work.
We are happy to announce the partnership between myclimate and TOPtoTOP; – René Estermann from my climate with Dario.
Our TOPtoTOP coodinator in Brazil and great sailor “Raimondo” became a great friend of the family in Durban.
The request we have for the next COP is, that every delegate has to put his personal climate commitment online on the UN website otherwise he is not able to register. The public is than able to control and see if he/she is not only talking, but also acting and being a climate example.
The other request is that a city can only nominate to have the next World Climate Conference when the city accept to be car free during the conference. Only public transport, cycling and walking is accepted. That would be a very strong signal!
This two requests we tried to transport in the many discussions with the delegates during the conference and trough the media:2011-12-08_sa_cop17 (75)r.jpg
Because SY Pachamama has been so close to the conference we had many visitors on the boat:
Christiana and Konrad playing with Alegra
Plant-for-the-Planet was on Pachamama. Here their message: “While at COP17 governments are talking about how long they should wait before they want to start really addressing climate change, children do what they can to wake up their generation to face the challenge. At the Green Hub in Durban, over 50 children and youth came together on Monday afternoon to learn about climate justice and empower each other to become active.
Three Climate Justice Ambassadors told the others about the climate crisis and how as a human family we could deal with it. The participating children were invited to draw up their own action plans, which they did.
At the end they planted a symbolic tree for climate justice, gave interviews to German TV and heard a short presentation by Plant-for- the-Planet founder Felix Finkbeiner.
The ToptoTop family was present with Sabine and the kids and committed to spreading the Plant-for-the-Planet initiative around the world during their travels!”
Bianca’s birthday
– …we have even a bride and bridegroom on Pachamama 🙂
2011-12-08_sa_cop17 (30)r.jpgThe Swiss Club organized a TOPtoTOP presentation and a visit of Pachamama. Even Santa was coming from the Nord Pol! That was great fun for the kids.
2011-12-08_sa_cop17 (9)r.jpgAt the 1st of December we had a reception and a TOPtoTOP presentation for SGS staff and its customers.
2011-12-08_sa_cop17 (33)r.jpgMerry Xmas to you all!

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