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We went back to Seldovia the next day, where Dario and Sabine delivered a presentation on the 6th of august.
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A lot of people invited us to their homes. We want to thank you for all your hospitality! There was Erin and Hig who invited us to their home several times. They’re living with their two kids in a Mongolian tent called yurt. In the past they have completed several expeditions very similar to the TOPtoTOP Global Climate Expedition, one a walk/paddle/ski trip from Seattle to the Alaska Peninsula. It was inspiring to meet a family with a similar lifestyle and similar passions. You can get more information about Erin and Hig in our latest film or go to
We wish to thank the Winters family with four kids with the same ages as Salina, Andri, Noe and Allegra. Thanks a lot also to Margie and Byron! They invited us to their home and we had a great time together. A big thank you also to Ted and Jenny. We could use their shower and internet access over the past few days.
Unfortunately we got the flue on the Pachamama and everybody fell ill, one at a time, at least for one day. But luckily we had to wait here for better weather anyway, to sail around the Kenai Peninsula into the Gulf of Alaska.
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In Seldovia the new teacher, Helen, came on board and we had to say goodbye to Christina. This was of course very sad. She has been with TOPtoTOP for three months now and was sailing from Hawaii to Alaska. Salina, Andri, Noe and Allegra loved her and we are already missing her! Christina, thank you a lot for your big effort on the Pachamama!
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ACT Alaska Andri Arctic Ocean Australia California Canada Chile CYCLING Europe EXPLORE Hawaii INSPIRE Mexico North America North Pacific NW PASSAGE SAILING Salina seven seas & seven summits South Pacific Switzerland TOPtoTOP USA Voyage