Good examples for the environment found in Cordova

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Science Center
Within sight from Pachamama, we can see the Science Center. Curious about what might go on in that building at the edge of the harbour, we decided to visit it and find out. What we found is an excelent example for the environment.
The Prince William Sound Science Center is a nonprofit organization, that its goal is to connect science to social and economic needs through education and engagement.
For that reason, they have research and education programms and collaborate with a lot of different organizations from Prince William Sound in order to protect the environment.
There is also a newspaper published, called „Delta Sound Connections” with articles about „the natural history an science news from Prince William Sound and the Copper River Bioregion” in it. They distribute the newspaper in the ferries, at the airport and other places, in order to give people that are new to the area information about “Oceans, Fish, Land and Sea, Ecosystem, Observing System, Education”.

Prince William Sound Science Center

Recycle cardboards to heat the house in winter

On our hikes around Cordova, we met a lot of very nice people. So for example Jenny and Chris, that invited us more than once for lunch at their house. In their backyard, Chris showed us a machine, he uses to heat the house during the winter. It workes like this: He gets used cardboard from the grocery stores, cut it into smaller pieces and then puts them in a machine that makes little pellets out of it. With these pellets he can heat the house during the winter.

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