Harvesting and isulating

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Please read the last update regarding the TOPtoTOP Climate Solution Contest in Switzerland 2014!
More pictures here!
2013-09-29_usa-alaska-cordova_alegra-bear-track.JPGAlegra following the Grizzly track
2013-09-19_usa-alaska-cordova_problem-solvers.JPGTOPtoTOP presentation in front of the problem solvers in Cordova. Thank you Anita for organizing the event!
Thumbnail image for 2013-09-20_usa-alaska-cordova_tsunami-trash-wendy.JPGTsunami debris collected by Wendy from the Orca Lodge.
2013-10-04_usa-alaska-cordova_girl-scouts-watershed-project.JPGGirls scouts documenting salmon habitat in the Copper River watershed.
Join the Copper River Watershed Project in their efforts to document habitat where salmon and trout spawn and grow up. There are approximately 35’600 miles of stream in this huge watershed!
The loss of rearing habitat due to development and impediments to fish passage has resulted in significant decreases to salmon populations in the Pacific Northwest. By protecting rearing habitat in the Copper River watershed, we believe we can help sustain healthy populations of Copper River salmon into the future. Here a picture of a salmon captured by a bear and left behind when we arrived.
2013-10-08_usa-alaska-cordova_moose-cutting-noe-alegra-victorinox.JPGNoe and Alegra with a Victorinox and a piece of moose.
We had our first moose meat thanks to Eric and Kristine. Everybody try to get a moose or deer. Here a picture from the mast.
2013-09-20_usa-alaska-cordova_hiking-2.JPGHiking with our friends.
Noe, becomes a sportsman! Hi hiked a total of 10 miles up to the TOP without any problems and just learned to bike. He likes glaciers and may become a mountain guide like his father and brother Andri. See him here in his 1st crevasseView image.
2013-09-29_usa-alaska-juneau_douglas-elementary-2.JPGDario talking to elementary students in Douglas.
2013-10-09_usa-alaska-cordova_scouts-troop-624.JPGTOPtoTOP presentation for the scout troop 624 from Cordova.
2013-10-06_usa-alaska-cordova_view.JPGThis is Mount Mc Kinley in Cordova.
2013-10-10_usa-alaska-cordova_insolating-sabine.JPG Sabine isolating
This month we take the boat apart to optimize our insolation. In the lst 2 weeks we managed to do 2 cabins so far.
2013-10-09_usa-alaska-cordova_old-boat-harbor-1.JPGOur home till next spring: Cordova old boat harbor.
Reminder: This weekend we have the TOPtoTOP General Assembly. As an active member please write to Dario, if you like to join in Cordova or online.

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