Bishop High School Visit

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From Mammoth we headed 50km down Highway 395 towards Bishop. Despite being mostly downhill or flat, it was one of the toughest days cycling due to the very strong persistent headwind.

As we dropped down in elevation the change in landscape was remarkable. We emerged into the Owens valley and with mountains flanking us we headed down into the desert valley.
We were lucky enough to find a lovely campsite just outside of the busy town of Bishop. Browns Millpond Campground with showers (!!) and laundry was a great haven to take shelter from the high winds and promised incoming storm for a couple of nights. Thank you for having us.
On Friday 31st October we visited Bishop High school and did two presentations, one to their AP environmental classes and one to a smaller group of students. We hope you enter the climate expedition award, it was great to speak with an audience where climate change and the issues surrounding it such a huge part of their curriculum.
On Monday we are looking forward to visiting the elementary school and talking to some of their 150 younger students.
Whilst in Bishop over the weekend, Salina was treated to a 2 hour hack with one of the high school teachers we met at the school on Friday. Elizabeth Evans has been training horses for years and was kind enough to take Salina out. Thank you so much for a wonderful morning – it is a dream come true for Salina.
With snow storms and ‘the start of winter’ predicted to pass through Bishop over the weekend we were kind enough to be aided by Julie Faber and Tawni Thompson from the Bishop Chamber of Commerce, in helping us find somewhere a little more sheltered to stay. They were fantastic and helped us secure 3 rooms in the Best Western Lodge for 2 nights. Thank you to the Chamber of Commerce and Rob and Joe from Best Western for sponsoring us 2 nights at your hotel. It is incredibly generous and after 4 weeks on the road camping it is a huge luxury and treat for us to be staying here and sheltering from the weather.
Autumn leaves are now starting to scatter the ground we cycle along and with the first snow now starting to settle on the mountains around us, it highlights even further how unique this region is in that it covers all climates. Within an hours drive you can be in the desert of Death Valley or skiing in the peaks surrounding Bishop and Mammoth. It really is very unique and makes their landscape and vista very interesting.

After speaking at the elementary school on Monday we will be heading on through Big Pine and Lone Pine – if you know anyone in those areas, or you live there yourself – please do get in touch. We would love to meet you.

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