New Sails!

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22-03-2015_usa-california_testing-the-sails This week we have been testing out our excellent new Hood main sail in the San Francisco Bay. Thank you so much to our good friend Christopher Warnock for taking some of these photos of us!Thumbnail image for 2015-03-22_usa-california_test-sail-alcatraz.jpg
Thumbnail image for 2015-03-22_usa-california_test-sail-aft-close.jpg
It’s now going to get well and truly tested as we sail down from San Francisco to Dana point just north of San Clemente. After a very busy week getting the boat ready to leave, we are now keeping a eagle eye on the weather, looking for a gap in the swell coming off the Pacific to set off and get past ‘Point Conception’ safely. We’re a little nervous as a lot of what we have heard is that this can be quite a bumpy passage with Point Conception dubbed the Cape Horn of the Pacific, so time will tell, and we’ll be in touch when we make it to Dana Point.
We will be docked at the Ocean Institute, who have very kindle offered us a slip whilst we’re in the area.
If you are nearby we will be giving a big public presentation at 12noon on the 11th April at the Ocean Institue. Please do come along and join us!

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