Expedition Report: Bering Sea, Wild Winds, Snow, & WW2 Ruins

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Just passed the Bering Strait last night. Wind was wild: we got 45kn at Cape Prince of Wales. Pachamama was running 10.5 kn just with 2nd reef in the main and staysail half out. Soon after we were nearly calmed out in a steep unpleased swell. Because of N winds we have to tack and were close to the Russian Coast, so touched Asia again.

At the coast we see snow and ruins of world war 2 near Cape York, where is abounded Twin City. Some guillemots flying by. At sunrise this morning Coast Guard Vessel Healey passed and had a long conversation. We shared our experiences to sail the Bering Sea that they can use in there survey. Their Arctic study, see: www.uscg.mil/pacarea/cgcgchealy/aws16

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