Expedition Report: Queen Maud Gulf

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23rd August 2016, Andri reports:

So we left Cambridge Bay last and are in the Queen Maud Gulf. There is nice people and good food in Cambridge. Pamela and Len became part of the family.
I am building a fishing box with Noé to put all our lures in. Together we have 26 lures. We are making it out of wood and cardboard and glueing it. We saw all the pieces in the cockpit. They have to be the right size. Every lure has its own spot.
We saw land half of the day, there are many reefs we need to watch out for. It’s nice to be sailing again. There is more wind now.
Meret and me had a long nap today after school. We even missed lunch. But they saved us the very last bagel from Herschel. It was filled with melted cheese and onions. The bagel was sooo good. Salina and Alegra tried to steal a bite from me, but I didn’t let them. Meret took a water sample. It was so cold her hands were very red after.
Salina and me played hand football on the table, it was really funny! Then we played Speedy. Gal from AgarII showed us that. – See pic: Alegra preparing for her talk about polar bears tomorrow.

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