Expedition Report: Ghosts and Zombies

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22nd September, by Christina:

We get up at 8 am, it’s foggy outside so we lift the anchor straight away without going on land. Always when we get the opportunity to buy stuff on land our breakfast looks different for three days. We have fresh milk instead of powder milk. I appreciate my milk coffee and the kids a real hot chocolate. We also get some bread and yoghurt, a nice change to the muesli with the famous powder milk.
I teach the kids from 10 am till 1 pm. It’s not so wavy so all the pencils and rubbers stay on the table. After lunch we have more school from 2 pm till 4 pm. Shortly after, we catch up with the German boat Caledonia. We tie up along them to exchange some sailing information. Jürgen invites us over for a glass of red wine. I don’t hesitate a second. I haven’t had one for over a month, because the majority of the towns up north are alcohol free. What a treat.
We said goodbye, continued and finally drop the anchor in Davis Inlet, close to a ghost town. From the distance we see a lot of empty abandoned spooky houses. Our fantasy goes wild about zombies and ghosts attacking our boat. We finally fall asleep with a queasy feeling.

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