27th September by Dario:
Our children were allowed to join school with Lucas and Marin, Joedie’s kids.
After school they joined the hockey training. Hockey is the favorite sport in Canada and specially up North. Makkovik kids are good in sports thanks to some wonderful people who act as trainers. Sport or music is really the medicine for the youth in this villages where the suicide rate is as high as 25% among young people in some places, – not in Makkovik. The youth is our future. Investments in youth programs is the best you can do, but it is not enough. You need also people who are able to wake them up and give them purpose and an objective in their lives.
In the schools up North we explained the students, that Sabine and I promised each other at the start of the expedition not to give up till we tried 20 times. We showed them how we overcome challenges… At the end they tell us their dreams and projects, they like to start after school and they promise us, also not to give up till they tried 20 times.
In that prospective, for all Inuit students following our achievements, it is a must to keep the boat. We have less than 60 days left; please have time to read more here: https://www.gofundme.com/2gb7d6c
Last night we invited Jodie and her family on board for “Älplermakaroni”, a typical Swiss meal. Her husband just came home from the mine and so it ended in a small birthday party. The plane needed several hours to get to Makkovik because it dropped other workers in Nain, Hopedale, Postville and Rigolet. He told me that the company decided to expand and also to go underground. They estimate that there is nickel for at least the next 7 years.
We were singing, Andi and Noe played the violine and Alegra the ukulele. As a present we had a Swiss Army Knife for him with the TOPtoTOP logo on it. It was not easy for our children to say goodbye to their new friends Lucas and Marin.
MV Astron left for Postville and MV Northern Ranger came to the dock. We met its captain in Nain and again he provided us with some useful local information. Many people were on the dock waving goodbye and helped us to get off the dock.
Soon we were in the open, exposed to the wind and swell and it became more and more unpleased on board.
Gofundme link:
Donations: http://www.toptotop.org/bank.php
Voyage link:
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