Expedition Report: Goodbye Labrador

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28th September, by Dario:

It is always good to start just at the end of a storm. Sea conditions are not perfect, but improving and that is an important factor to the overall motivation on board. More important is this strategy for safety. In a environment with extreme and not predicted changes you gain valuable time and extend your weather window to arrive safely in your next anchorage. This strategy you can use also in your daily life where you eat or generally do things first, you don’t like so much.

On the expedition we had bad cross seas after departure from Makkovik, but after a day the vomiting stopped and the decision was made to use the improving conditions to go for Sant Anthony in Newfoundland where our autopilot is waiting at the post office.

We enjoyed later today sailing along the Labrador coast with a lot of sun and a blue sky. The kids spotted many humpback whales migrating the same direction we did. At the moment we do between 8 to 10 knots thanks to the Labrador current and a good breeze. The Labrador current transports many huge icebergs. Tonight we have to identify them with our radar again. This needs a lot of experience and concentration in a moving sea to filter the wave reflections on the radar screen.

Labrador was one of our highlights. With its friendly people, wildlife and unique landscape. It is also a story book about the climate. How natural forces carved and shaped the land.
We are very much concerned about this paradise. The impact of the fast warming you can experience around every corner. It is the speed of the change that kills and does not allow enough time for adaptation. We all have to take responsibility and safe this wonderful planet earth where Labrador shines as a diamond in the crown.

The children we met are the best example for all of us. They are so willing to help and have plenty ideas how we can help. In the TOPtoTOP Climate Solution Drawing Contest younger students express their solutions. Older students participate in the TOPtoTOP Climate Action Award.
On board of the expedition sailboat Pachamama they are so keen to learn all about renewable technologies. Solar- and wind power is “cool” among children and cools the planet. They are the decision makers in a few years and like that I am optimistic about our planets future.

As volunteers we get “our batteries” topped up every time, we experience the effort students put into our traditional clean-up-event to collect trash, mainly plastic.
A note for the students in Makkovik: you are the champions now, Parati in Brasil is second, congratulations from all of us!

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