Expedition Report: Vikings

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1st October, by Cornelia:

Because of the stormy weather further south we could spend a whole day here on anker without a strict program. So we used the sunny but windy day for another hike.
The walk started by the hospital. In the entrance of the Sant Anthony’s hospital you can see the Jordi Bonet Murals. They were created by artist Jordi Bonet in 1967 and they have all definite meaning relating to the people of Newfoundland and Labrador, about their lives or the country in which they live. The first panel shows a single tree with clusters of berries. This tree symbolizes the single man – Dr. Wilfred Grenfell, coming to the Coast to start the International Grenfell Association. The second panel is similar to the first, but the tree stands no longer alone. The seed was fruitful and now there are many doctors, nurses and others. The third panel represent the life of the people in a large circle of life with a vertical band of faces in the centre and a dark side before the arriving of Grenfell and a warmth side after it. The next panel has a Newfoundland and Labrador fisherperson, with arms outstretched, to signify an abundance of cod. The fifth panel demonstrates the life of hunting and trapping in Labrador with snowshoe tracks, coming and going along a path of animal tracks. The next panel shows in an abstract way Bonet’s impression of the country from the air, land and sea, as well the four seasons. After there is a drawing, which depicts an Inuit family and the last panel shows a Innu section.

The walk passed the home of Dr. Grenfell and his wife Anne and continued to the tea house hill. One of Grenfell’s project was the teahouse, where the people could come and have a tea after the work. Afterwards we continued to the remains of the American AC & W Radar Station of St. Anthony, which was situated on the highest altitude possible.

In 1960 archaeologists found the lost Viking settlement of Vinland by L’Anse aux Meadows, which is a few kilometre further North of St. Anthony. This is the prove that the Vikings reached as first Europeans the new world. L’Anse aux Meadows is now National Historic Site of Canada and down the road sits the recreated Viking village of Norstead.

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