Expedition Report: La Tabatiere and Mutton Bay

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5th October by Dario:

Early this morning the wind stopped and started to blow from another direction. Only Christina and I went on shore to fulfill our commitment with the school. Meanwhile Sabine anchored on a new spot more favorable for this Northwesterly wind kicking in.

Bill escorted us again from Mutton Bay to La Tabatiere to meet the students of the Mecatina & St. Lawrence School. We did a presentation and a clean up with the 35 students of the two communities. I was impressed about the smart questions they had and how fluent everybody was in English and French. The landscape here is paradise on earth, so beautiful in the autumn colors.

Jean, the school secretary printed us the latest weather report. We got also a wonderful alphabet booklet about their environment made by the students.

As we waved goodbye to Bill and his two brothers, he told me: “You know it is important what you are doing. We get less and less snow and ice. In 2010 there was no snow and it was so warm that we couldn’t use our skidoos do go hunting.

Bill’s family were one of the first settlers in the 1800 from England after a French family arrived. They stayed because there was plenty of fish. Bill lost one brother some years ago fishing. Even he could swim, he drowned in the cold water. A reminder for us to be caution and use our lifelines on board.

Now we are in the Golf of St. Lawrence in Position N50.15W59.08, heading to Cape Breton Island.

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