Expedition Report: Strait of Belle Isle

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3rd October by Dario:

In the morning Cornelia and I had to paddle hard against the strong wind to make it to shore for our school presentation and clean-up event, while the others did homeschool on board. All the houses are very well maintained and not much littering to be seen.
We did one presentation for the 3 elementary and 2 kindergarten students and one for the 5 high school students, before the clean up. The teacher told as that there were 120 students not long ago.
Ex fisherman Lenard works today in Sant Anthony maintaining the Greenfield museum, where we met some days ago. We did not know that he is living in Cook Harbor. He told us that many families have to leave, because the fishing is down and there is no work.
Lenard showed Sabine and me how to read the wind and current at Cape Norman. We were also throwing some wooden sticks to watch how the current flows. His fishing friend gave us the advice to leave at low tide to get a push in the Strait.

The wind changed from Southwest 40 to North 30. The Strait of Belle Ilse is difficult to navigate because the current is very strong and complex to predict. We were fortunate to have the local advice and Lenard gave us moose meat and cod fish for our next leg.

It was again hard to say goodbye and we would loved to stay longer, but the weather forecast predicted North wind for only a short moment followed again by strong Southwest winds till the end of the week. At 15.30 h the tide was right and the North wind should maintain till midnight. We decided to give it a try and come back if conditions get worse.

Till we were around Cape Norman we had the strong wind and swell from the side. The waves were confused because of the strong Southwest wind from last night. But soon after we were flying in front of the wind. Our speed was up to 9 knots and we passed the narrow of Point Forteau already at 22.30 h. Thanks to the strong Northwest wind the current remained and we continued to do good mileage.

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