Annual Report 2016 and Xmas

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Please download the TOPtoTOP Annual Report 2016!

At the moment the Sydney Hobart Race is on the way. See us racing in 2008! We hope to be back and racing to Hobart again in the near future.

We were very busy in the last 2 weeks leaving Mystic for Greenwich and New York. Here some highlights:

Arriving in Mystic with Santa

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Action in schools and goodby Mystic

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Thanks to Mead Treadwell, we were invited by the Explorer’s Club New York and received by the president Ted Janulis.

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We had a very warm welcome @ the Indian Harbor Yacht Club , where we had a talk and a press conference. See article in Greenwich Times, Le Temps and report on Channel 12.

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Visiting New York and our Xmas miracle

Our friend David works at the GM-Building on the 49th floor. He offered us a tour and we enjoyed the view over Manhattan on this sunny day, looking down to central park and as far as the statue of liberty , where we sail along in same days.

We came along the Trump Tower on the way to the Xmas tree at the Rockefeller Center. Probably because of the children the police let us through and we could even enter the building. We send an instagram from the Trump building, asking Mr. Trump to protect our planet and safe our climate.

We never have been in a show and the whole family has been never in a cinema. Since Hawaii we dreamed to attend a show when we reach NY. On Broadway we learned that the cheapest ticket per kid for Lion King is US 99.-! plus baby Mia is not allowed in the theater. This was anyway too expensive for a family of 7 and we were sad. But here is our Xmas story: Asking for prices for the legendary Xmas Spectacular with the Radio City Rockettes the ticket seller in the box recognised us from the Channel 12 report the previous day. He went: “I know you, you are coming like our Santa in the show all the way from the Arcitc to NY, we will make it happen that you attend the show and even with the baby!” For all of us it was the best Xmas present for years and so wonderful!

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Xmas on Pachamama

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Some days ago Pachamama was iced in and today Salina and Alegra went for a swim in the Long Island Sound. They love swimming and you could not stop them even in the Arctic:



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