Earth Day is over, so we start

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Today we start the circumnavigation of the North Atlantic to get back into the Arctic, means we have our last breakfast without wave impact:


Before we were busy to store food for 7 months on the boat and do some last minute preparations:


Thanks to Elco – Electric Propulsion since 1893 – we have now an efficient electric motor powered by our solar panels and wind generators. Here the Elco-Team on Board:


Thanks to all our friends in Greenwich, Rye and New York. We had a hard time to leave and say goodbye to all our friends, but we come back!


You can track us here thanks to our supporter “PredictWind“.

Priority on our wish list is a IRIDIUM PILOT antenna, so that we have better communication. With the antenna, we can maintain the relationship with the many schools we visit and communicate first hand the best climate solutions we explore to inspire others to save our planet. We hope to find a donor so that we can install the antenna in Iceland begin of June 2017.

Good news from Rob and Meret: They are working hard to get the hydrophone organized to collect data of whales changing their patterns in the warming oceans.

See our presentation on RYE TV.

Read our last article from New York

Join the Climate March in Washington D.C. on the 29th of April!

Please join our talk at the Explorers Club on the 30th of October and at the New York Yacht Club on the 20th of November while heading South from the Arctic to Antarctica – from POLE to POLE.

We had some swell getting to New York yesterday:


In NY we invited the Crew of Swiss sailboat Thanni for “Aelplermaccaroni” before setting out offshore towards Bermuda – Azores – Ireland – Iceland and Greenland:




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