Bermuda to Azores: Bad luck!

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Last days we had crossed seas and swells. The wind speed and direction was changing a lot because of the thunderstorms. In the afternoon we were ready to put another reef into the main sail. Unfortunately the top glider got damaged in a big blow. The only way to bring the main down was by Dario climbing the mast with a big hammer. That was not an easy task in the big swell and Dario crashed several times against the mast. The sea conditions at the moment do not allow any repairs. We sail without the main sail for the moment and use the staysail. That does not allow us to go higher to the wind and makes the boat very unstable, means no chance to cook.

Today Pachamama was surfing with 9 knots in a 35 knots breeze down a wave, when she hit a grey wale. It was like an earthquake and we came to a sudden stop. Everybody jumped on deck. My first thought was that we hit another floating container. But than the kids saw the wale and the water turning red from the blood. We felt so sorry and everybody was very sad.
Luckily no water coming into the boat, but the rudder does a strange noise since. No chance to inspect hull and keel under current conditions.

Crew is all fine and we hope that conditions are improving so that we reach the Azores to inspect the impact of the collision.

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