Vital Dario Hanin’s 1st adventure!

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Vital Dario Hanin Schwörer

NOTE: Join us on the Clean up the World Weekend from the 15th to the 17th of September 2017. Call us on +354 833 01 58.

See our last interview in Iceland:


Soon after Vital was born…

It was s  natural birth without any complications. Sabine and Dario spend the night in the hospital with Vital. Our kids went back to the boat to sleep.

In the morning Dario cycled down from the hospital to the boat to go to speak at the Eco Village Conference in Switzerland. While he was changing flights in Reykjavik, he got a call from Sabine, stating that Vital has to fly by ambulance jet to Reykjavik’s intensive care unit because of his bilirubin andsuspicious for spherocytosis. He tried to get off the plane while the plane taxi to the runway, resulting in a near arrest because he looked suspicious with his water tide computer box. In the same time, the kids watched the plane with Mom and Vital just flying over Pachamama…


It was the first time the family was separated. After 6 days in the intensive care unit in Reykjavik, Vital had his second flight back to Akureyri and the family was united again.

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It was a difficult time for all of us. Many thanks to Sabie’s parents Rosi & Ernst, Mirjam and Jana who joined our kids on Pachamama in Akureyri as well as the many local Icelandic friends helping us!


On the 8th of September 2017 we planted a maple tree above Vital’s placenta in the botanical garden of Akureyri in position N65.40.5185 W18.05.6189 with our local friends:


The days before and after “Vital Dario Hanin” was born:


Salina became 3rd and Andri 5th in the Icelandic National Championship 2017 for Optimists in Rekyavik, thanks to the support of fisherman Sigi.

Grandma “Rosi” and grandpa “Ernst” came to visit:

Noe’s birthday on the 15th of August:

We gave a total of 9 presentations combined with clean-ups and worshops: BrekkuskoliOddeyrarskóli, University of Reykjavik, Climate Ride, EBP, WEYTEC, Rotary Club -, Arctic Museum – and Sailing Club of Akureyri:

“Reto”, Dario’s father, was of big help to the short visit in Switzerland to complete 4 presentations and meetings. He was fortunate to see some family and friends including his grandma.


Vital needs still more blood controls. His status will determine if we can sail before the winter storms kick in. We climbed “Mount Suler” in a snow storm last weekend, – means winter is approaching up here. Meret just joined us again.




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