JOIN “fjord 2 TOP Expedition”

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Join the “fjord 2 TOP Expedition” from one of the deepest fjords in the world to the highest peak in Norway, Scandinavia and Northern Europe!

Get an idea about the “fjord 2 TOP Expedition” by watching our training video (made by 10-year-old Noe) and see if that fits you or even your family and friends:

The start is End of March or Begin of May, check dates.

Keep updated on our Facebook Event.

Norway is a unique place where the Ocean meets the Mountains and the Glaciers feed the Sea. This interconnection we like to show in an outdoor activity and celebrate the wonders of Norwegian natural wilderness. Our goal is that everybody, and especially kids, get a unique outdoor experience. Outdoor people are grounded in nature and therefore care more.

We are sailing from Kaupanger to the end of the fjord and have already other sailboats joining the event. From Skjolden we are moving on skis over five stages to the TOP of Galdhøppigen. Matthias Paetzel from the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences will explain the interconnection “from Mountain to Fjord” in our first hut “Turtagro”. We are keen to organize further activities that serve the environment. Please send us your ideas.

At this stage, we are already able to transport around 40 people along the fjord. It is possible to join us for some hours, single days or the whole trip. We are excited to carry out the expedition with many elated outdoor enthusiasts!

Here the height profile with the walking times for the different stages:

Bildschirmfoto 2020-03-14 um 18.08.30.

If you plan to join, please send us an email to simon(at) with the following information:

  • Name
  • mobile for WhatsAPP
  • Age
  • Dates you are able to join either end of March or begin of May
  • Stages you are interested in (sailing in, 1 to 5 to the mountain, 5 to 1 back to sea, sailing out)


Note 1: Participants join under their own risk and are responsible for their equipment, food, and accommodation (see “terms and conditions to participate in the expedition“).

Note 2: Similar projects after the “fjord 2 TOP Expedition” is climbing the highest volcano in the Arctic on Jan Mayan Island and the highest mountain in the Arctic in East Greenland. Keep in touch if you like to join!

(Simon, 02.03.2020)

ACT Alaska Andri Arctic Ocean Australia California Canada Chile CYCLING Europe EXPLORE Hawaii INSPIRE Mexico North America North Pacific NW PASSAGE SAILING Salina seven seas & seven summits South Pacific Switzerland TOPtoTOP USA Voyage