Category: EXPLORE
We’re in Alaska Again!
Late June we left Kauai. Terry followed us down the stunning Na’Pali coast. We saw two types of dolphins, bottlenose and probably Hawaiian spinner. They played in the front of our boat. We anchored off of Nihau to get a good night’s sleep. We could not go on shore but…
TOP of North America climbed from “sea2TOP2sea”
Noe says: “Well done! Sea to TOP to Sea in a total of 30 days travelling climate friendly.” More pictures here! After sailing into Prince William Sound and Whittier Harbor we hiked Portage Pass, cycled over the frozen Portage Lake and further to Anchorage and Talkeetna and Kroto Creek near…
Skiing to base camp of Denali
More pics here! Our route. Distance: 320 km cycling, 140 km skiing to Base Camp (one way!). The longest glacier in Alaska Dana joined Dario and I in Petersville for the base camp approach. At the same place we stopped cycling. The three of us would be travelling together for…