TOPtoTOP Bank Account:
Account name: TOPtoTOP
Address: Grundstrasse 4b, CH-6343 Rotkreuz, Switzerland
IBAN: CH07 0900 0000 9011 9336 1
Bank Adress: Postfinance Ltd., CH-3030 Bern, Switzerland
Clearing: 09 000
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Tax deduction for US donors
Tax-deductible donation memo: TOP to TOP to the Samuel Lawrence Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization | Tax ID: 27-1030462 | www.samuellawrencefoundation.org
Mailing Address: The Samuel Lawrence Foundation, TOP to TOP, Drawer F Del Mar, CA 92014
“The Samuel Lawrence Foundation is privileged to support TOP to TOP in their powerful nature education projects for hundreds of thousands of children around the world.
All donations for their education projects are 100% tax-deductible.
100% of all donations go directly to TOP to TOP for their Education Projects.
As ‘monks of the sea,’ they depend entirely on our generosity to make an enormous impact for generations to come. – Thank you very much, The Samuel Lawrence Foundation.”
Important note: The Samuel Lawrence Foundation can only accept donations of US 1000 and more, because of admin efforts.
Please contact us for tax deduction documents and if you have any questions: info (at) toptotop.org
Thank you very much!