TOPtoTOP is the bridge between schools and science institutions. We launched “Lab on the water” with our partner ETH Zurich (see below). We are open to further partnerships. Our expertise is in extremely remote locations from the seabed to the highest mountain peaks at all latitudes. We are happy to support projects and explorers that ultimately aim to inspire people to take action for the future of our beautiful planet.
Our expedition explores top natural wonders. We do this to inspire and enthuse as many people as possible to get involved with preservation and to actively connect with the outdoors. So that we don’t get lost, the most beautiful mountains in the world act as our milestones.

Gather data globally to understand and protect the planet’s biodiversity

Capture a fingerprint of the current composition of preserved ecosystems

Meet local communities to evaluate their vision for concrete solutions to preserve biodiversity

Sailing lab
Zero-emission access to preserved ecosystems and interactive educational platform
We are currently looking for new scientific collaborations on board and sponsors.
Addressing the biodiversity crisis requires solutions that are both locally tailored to socio-economic contexts and globally coordinated. The challenge of efficiently measuring biodiversity has been a significant obstacle, yet the emergence of rapid DNA screening methods from environmental samples offers a promising solution for broad-scale assessments. Environmental DNA (eDNA) analyses provide a means to gauge the impact of human activities and evaluate the success of nature-positive actions. The key to transitioning from our present policies to knowledge-driven sustainable practices lies in strengthening human connections and idea-sharing. Learning from the successful models of local communities’ interactions with nature offers invaluable insights, adaptable worldwide.
Here, we propose a global Swiss sailing expedition aiming to learn, connect, and share experiences on biodiversity monitoring and solutions to promote human coexistence with nature. Equipped with technology developed at ETH Zürich, we will explore the state of global biodiversity and showcase its application for monitoring and assessing the state of nature. This carbon-neutral voyage will engage with local communities, governments, and stakeholders, facilitating the exchange of knowledge and encouraging sustainable practices. With a particular focus on fisheries and agriculture, we will showcase actionable solutions for biodiversity preservation that are tailored to local needs and initiatives.
With this we hope to build a network of leaders in transition and highlight the potential of environmental DNA technology in biodiversity assessments, enhancing local capacity for analysis and infrastructure development. By leveraging the TOPtoTOP Global Expedition’s boat as a floating eDNA laboratory, this expedition will push forward biodiversity technology research and nature protection efforts. Through the alignment of science, networking, awareness, and solution-sharing, the expedition strives to unite people toward a common conservation goal.