Exceptional Storm crashed Pachamama

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Watch what happened (edited by Margo Attaya):

Big Storm Crashed Pachamama of the Top To Top Global Expedition from EcolibriumTV on Vimeo.

An exceptional storm crashed Pachamama in Akureyri on Monday the 6th of November 2017 after midnight, when all boat cleats and 35 mm heavy duty ropes collapsed in the huge swell. We were able to navigate to the next floating peer which moved like a furious snake, where we crashed with full force again and again on a concrete floating pier.

All hands were on the pumps to keep Pachamama a float. Not before the storm was decreasing, the rescue team ashore were able to access the float to get the kids from the boat. The fire firefighters came with a bigger pump and the harbour staff organised big truck tires to avoid more damage.

Hard on the kids seeing Pachamama nearly sinking and now to scope with their damaged home.

No idea, how we overcome this challenge, but we just take it step by step and started to save our belongings on board by bringing them ashore…

We are now in Akureyri at the Arctic Circle in Iceland. It is getting cold, but the people are extremely hospital and helpful: They invite us into their homes and “Erlundur Gudmundsson” was even diving for one hour in these freezing waters. He put normal butter into the cracks so that we got a rest from pumping to keep Pachamama afloat!

In this very moment, we reach out to you and are very thankful for any donation that keeps us and the TOPtoTOP project afloat. You can donate here.

Please help and become part of the project of a full recovery of Pachamama so that she is able to play with the dolphins of our Oceans again!


Please find some film and pics from that night in our dropbox and in the TV – and media reports below:





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